General Concept of Anatomy

ala wing-like projection hiatus ¿­°ø
angle °¢ infundibulum a funnel ±ò¶§±â
arch ±Ã lamina or lamella thin plate
artery or arteries a. or aa. µ¿¸Æ ligament or ligaments lig. or ligg. Àδë
articulation °üÀý lingula tongue-like objection
bulla ¼öÆ÷ meatus short canal
canal °ü muscle or muscles m. or mm. ±ÙÀ°
canaliculus diminutive of canal nerve or nerves n. or nn. ½Å°æ
cartilage cart. ¿¬°ñ notch ÆÐÀÓ,ÀýÈç
concave ¿ä,¿À¸ñ process proc. µ¹±â,À¶±â
condyle °ú protuberance prot. µ¹±â,À¶±â
convex ö,º¼·Ï ramus branch °¡Áö
cornu »Ô recess ÇÔ¿ä(ùèèê),µ¿
crest ´É¼± pl. crista scaphoid boat
dens tooth-like projection septum dividing wall
eminence À¶±â sinus 1. air filled cavity of cranial bone
2. large venous spaces within the skull and elsewhere dilation of blood vessels
falciform sickle-shape ³´¸ð¾ç spine ±Ø,°¡½Ã
fissure ¿­,Æ´ suture sut. ºÀÇÕ
foramen °ø,±¸¸Û trochlea pullet-shaped surf.
fossa ¿Í tubercle tuberc. °áÀý
fovea ¼Ò¿Í tuberosity tuberos. Á¶¸é,°ÅÄ£¸é
groove ±¸,°í¶û vein or veins v. or vv. Á¤¸Æ
hanukus a hook °¥°í¸® vessel or vessels Ç÷°ü